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Don’t take energy for granted

I’ve just woken up from 10 hours of uninterrupted sleep and I’m still tired. I hate the feeling. My recovery from chemotherapy for Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (a blood cancer) has not been without its challenges. Peripheral neuropathy (tingling fingers and toes) was something that took a lot of getting used to but I am pleased to…


Reap as you sew

Being alone is not the same as being lonely. For a big part of my life I have thought of myself as a loner. I didn’t need anyones company except for that of my wife and children. This may have come about because we have lived in foreign countries most of our married life and…

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Stand up straight. Walk Tall. Stride out – and smile

At 06:28 am I woke up feeling stiff and aching (I had my first ever Yoga lesson yesterday..but more of that in a future post). It was cold outside. I pulled on my clothes and hobbled down the 2 long flights of stairs and achingly bent down to lace up my boots. I felt battered…