• Standing on one leg
    It sounds easy for someone who can walk, talk, swim, jog, eat…..BUT it isn’t easy for me. I didn’t realize that I had a hard time doing it until I went to my first Yoga session earlier this week. Since early in my cancer journey (..there’s that ‘j’ word again…I don’t like it, but I…
  • Stand up straight. Walk Tall. Stride out – and smile
    At 06:28 am I woke up feeling stiff and aching (I had my first ever Yoga lesson yesterday..but more of that in a future post). It was cold outside. I pulled on my clothes and hobbled down the 2 long flights of stairs and achingly bent down to lace up my boots. I felt battered…
  • Clear your mind with Blackberries
    I’m not sure if blackberries are considered as a “super fruit”…one of those fruits that is packed with nutritional value that helps with memory or virility or hair loss …or something else. What I do know is that I enjoy eating them. What I also know is that one of life’s great pleasures is to…
  • Start the day the clean desk way
    Yesterday was a bad day – my wife told me that I was not the bubbly easy going man she married all those years ago. This powerful message was the start of a new future. Having been told that my cancer is still in remission I should have been on top of the world, but…
  • Close to the Edge…
    For some weeks now I have found it really hard to concentrate – both at home and at work. I have been putting on a brave face up until now, but today I finally acknowledged that this is a real problem that is impacting my family and my work. It is very difficult to explain…