At 56 years old I had a wake up call. I finally acknowledged that there were two massive issues in my life. Those issues were my personal health and my personal financial situation. With retirement at most 9 years away I realized that …..

  1. If I wanted to reach retirement age I needed to urgently change my life. I was approximately 260 pounds and only 5′ 7″ tall – by anyone’s definition I was obese and had been for most of my life.
  2. If I lived long enough to reach retirement I was not in the financial position to enjoy it.

So at the beginning of 2021 I started working on improving my health.

In May 2022 I published my first blog post and life was great.

In October 2022 I was given 3-6 months to live.

Today (August 2024) I am in remission from a cancer called Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and trying my best to steer my own future!