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Positive Perspective on life

If you want to change the way you feel then change your perspective.. I was told that I had cancer in November 2022. But even though all the visible indicators were that of cancer, the results of 1 surgical biopsy and 2 needle biopsies were negative. From one perspective I was happy to hear “no…

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Keep Moving

Life can be tough and it’s sometimes easier to do nothing than to do something. For many years exercise was a bad word in my vocabulary. I would do almost anything to get out of any form of exercise – that doesn’t mean that I was lazy. Quite the opposite – I was and still…

Self doubt. Self Worth

I’m fully employed and have been for the last 44 years. I have travelled the world in Economy class and Business class and had many job titles. I have held a “Senior Director” title for more than 7 years and I am highly respected throughout the company. I’m not boasting – these are all facts,…


Reap as you sew

Being alone is not the same as being lonely. For a big part of my life I have thought of myself as a loner. I didn’t need anyones company except for that of my wife and children. This may have come about because we have lived in foreign countries most of our married life and…